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The Evolution of Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications in Retail


The landscape of healthcare retail, particularly for over-the-counter (OTC) medications, has undergone significant transformations. Frepart has been a crucial player in adapting retail environments to these changes, ensuring that products are not only visible but securely stored. This article delves into the regulatory and historical milestones that have shaped the availability of OTC medications in Sweden, alongside the innovative solutions developed by Frepart. 

The Historical Landscape of Swedish Pharmacies 

Sweden’s journey with pharmaceuticals dates back to the mid-16th century when the first Swedish pharmacy was established by Antonius Busenius in 1575 at Stortorget in Stockholm. This historical venture set the precedent for rigorous standards in pharmaceutical handling and distribution, which evolved substantially over the centuries.

The Monopoly Era

For much of its history, Sweden’s pharmacy sector was tightly controlled through a system of royal privileges. These privileges, granted by the monarchy, dictated who could operate a pharmacy and were a significant barrier to entry in the market. By the late 18th century, the concept of ’sockenapotek’ or parish pharmacies was introduced to improve the availability of medications across the country.

The Era of Regulation and Deregulation 

The 20th century was marked by significant regulatory changes in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly with the nationalization of pharmacies in 1970. This move aimed to make medication access more equitable and controlled. Frepart emerged during this transformative period, initially focusing on developing retail solutions that complied with the stringent requirements of a tightly regulated industry. 

Frepart’s Role in Modern Retail  

As the regulatory landscape for over-the-counter (OTC) medications has evolved, Frepart has adeptly adjusted its product offerings to align with the shifting dynamics of the market. The company has carved out a niche in developing sophisticated display solutions that address the dual imperatives of security and visibility, which are crucial for the effective retailing of OTC medications. 

Frepart’s approach to display solutions extends beyond mere functionality. The company recognizes that while security is paramount to prevent unauthorized access and minimize theft, visibility is equally important to ensure that products are accessible and attractively presented to consumers. This balance is particularly challenging in the context of OTC medications, where the need to restrict access to certain age groups or prevent theft must be weighed against the need for consumers to have easy access to health products. 

To meet these challenges, Frepart has innovated with designs that incorporate advanced locking mechanisms and strategic placement within stores. These displays are typically located in areas that maximize customer visibility while being easily monitored by store personnel. Additionally, Frepart’s designs often feature clear, durable materials that allow products to be seen but not tampered with, enhancing the overall shopper experience without compromising on safety. 

Moreover, Frepart’s solutions are tailored to the specific regulations that govern the sale of OTC medications, including compliance with guidelines on how medications must be displayed in terms of height and proximity to other products. One of the significant advantages of Frepart’s solutions is the integration of motor-driven systems that ensure displays are open only when the cash register is active and closed when it is not. This feature ensures that the sales process is supervised, thereby helping retailers comply with regulatory requirements. This meticulous attention to regulatory details ensures that retailers can seamlessly integrate Frepart’s systems into their operations without risking non-compliance. 

As retail environments continue to evolve with technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors, Frepart is committed to staying at the forefront of the industry. The company continuously explores new technologies and materials that can further improve the security and visibility of OTC medications. This proactive approach not only meets current market needs but also anticipates future trends, ensuring that Frepart remains a key player in the modern retail landscape of healthcare products. 

The Current Regulatory Framework 

The current regulations surrounding over-the-counter (OTC) medications are focused on ensuring that these products are sold in environments that prioritize consumer safety. This includes strict guidelines on how medications must be stored and displayed in retail settings to prevent issues such as theft and to manage age-related restrictions effectively. Retailers must ensure that OTC medications are not only secure but also that they are sold only to customers who meet age requirements, preventing underage access to certain medications. These comprehensive regulations are designed to address both the safety of the products and the broader concerns of theft and age appropriateness in the retail of medications. 


The evolution of over-the-counter (OTC) medication availability in Sweden, transitioning from a tightly controlled monopoly to a more dynamic and competitive marketplace, mirrors larger global shifts in healthcare retail. This transformation has encouraged a variety of market players to innovate and adapt to new regulatory landscapes and consumer demands. While Frepart is among the companies responding to these changes, the entire industry is advancing with a focus on enhancing safety, accessibility, and efficiency in the retail of medications. As we look to the future, the continued progress and collective efforts of all stakeholders are essential for shaping a more accessible and consumer-friendly healthcare market. 

To discover how Frepart can help your company leverage innovative design for business success, please contact us. Explore our services and more on frepart.com. 

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